Lost Wallet Restoration

If you lose your wallet and someone dishonest finds it, they could use the information within to steal your identity and do serious damage. Most people keep a driver’s license, social security card, credit cards, and other IDs in their wallets. Most of these items contain personally identifiable information (PII), which can be used for identity theft. IDStrong’s lost wallet restoration service will help you regain control and protect your identity.
Our lost wallet restoration monitors your information online and sends you notifications if someone tries to use it to open new accounts. Regardless of whether you lose your wallet, or it is stolen, we can help!
Lost ID and Identity Theft

A lost or stolen wallet can turn into a much larger issue if an identity thief gets a hold of your sensitive information. You may be at risk of account takeovers, medical or other types of financial fraud, and even criminal charges if the thief gives your information to the police after they are arrested.
Any private information about you can be used against you. Data breaches have leaked billions of records online. Therefore, if you lose your wallet, you may be at extreme risk for fraud and theft. Our lost wallet and identity restoration service can help you overcome the difficulties and challenges related to identity theft by covering legal and other fees and protecting yourself going forward. Work closely with our restoration specialists to take back your identity.
Some of the types of information
that can be used for identity theft include:
Lost or Stolen Identification (ID)
Lost or stolen identification includes any document that contains critical information about your identity. Some examples are a state-issued driver’s license or ID, federally issued social security card and a United States passport, birth certificate, student ID card, military ID, green card, government visa, liquor identification card, voter’s registration card, credit and debit cards, professional certifications, and other types of official and verifiable documents.
Driver’s License
A lost or stolen driver’s license could be used for identity theft because it contains all the critical information about you, such as your name and address, DOB, signature, physical characteristics, and other vital details. Identity thieves like to steal driver’s license information because it gives them an easy way to perpetrate fraud and different types of identity theft.
U.S. Passport
Any documents issued by the Department of State, such as a United States passport or passport card, are essential. You must protect them to ensure that any incidents that concern them are resolved quickly. To ensure that lost or stolen U.S. passports do not result in some form of identity theft, we recommend that you scan your passport number for any associated breaches. Store your passport in a safe place when not using it.
Social Security Card
Identity thieves often target the Social Security Administration and their records, such as issued SSNs and social security cards with related personal information on them. Since the social security number has become almost a universal identification method throughout the United States, you must keep it safe and scan your information for any associated breaches and exposures. Never carry your social security card in your wallet. Leave it at home in a safe place.
Institutional & Private ID cards
Some other states and jurisdictions issue their own identification cards that can be used to verify your identity. Those types of cards include non-driver’s license identification documents, ID cards, student ID cards, liquor cards, gun permit licenses, tribal IDs, medical cards, library cards, regional ID documents, and other personal identity documents. Protect these documents as well as possible.
Military IDs
Members of the military and the Department of Defense employees also receive certain identity documents based on their rank and status. Children and adult dependents of service members, department employees, and some contractors are also issued military ID cards. It’s imperative to report any incidents where your identity documents are lost or stolen and check for any associated breaches or exposures online.
Green Card, Visas, & Immigration IDs
Identity thieves also like to go after various personally identifiable documents issued by the federal government to steal your identity. Those types of identification documents may include a green card or a permanent resident card, travel or work visa, business or personal immigration documents, and other personal forms of ID.
Medical Cards
There are many other types of identity documents that can be lost or stolen and result in some form of identity theft. Those documents include medical insurance documents, Medicare cards, and other healthcare identification.
Credit & Debit Cards
Items that can severely risk your financial identity are credit and debit cards. If these are lost or stolen, they can be used to drain your accounts or make purchases.
How Can Lost Wallet
Restoration Help Me?
Losing your wallet and becoming the victim of identity theft can cause damage to your credit, and you may suffer other types of fraud and financial losses as a result. Our service helps by monitoring your information online, looking for exposure and leaks of your personal data. If you do suffer identity theft, you can call on our wallet restoration experts to help you restore everything.

Some of the ways we can help are:
Helping you to identify and contact vendors to close accounts and reissue new credit cards or new bank account numbers.
Assist with you getting a new driver’s license, social security card, or passport.
Helping you request new medical or other subscription-based IDs.
Contact professional license issuers and have them reissue documents with updated IDs.
$1 million identity theft insurance policy.
How IDStrong Works
1. Monitor
We continuously monitor your personal and financial information, scouring the dark web for potential threats, active data breaches, and network element leaks.
2. Alert
If we locate your information somewhere in the dark recesses of the Internet, we will instantly notify you, alerting you to any information leaked, exposed, or breached.
3. Resolve
We won’t just alert you of the dangers; we’ll help you resolve them. Our identity protection experts are available 24/7 to help you take the necessary actions to restore your identity and get back to normalcy.
Our Benefits
Identity Monitoring
Our business is monitoring billions of records on the dark web. If we find anything about your information, we alert you to the risks and offer recovery strategies.
Credit Monitoring
One of the essential elements of your identity is that we monitor your credit profile for suspicious inquiries, new loans, or credit-related changes. That means no surprises when it’s time to put a down payment on your dream home or car.
Privacy Monitoring
Personal information is the lifeblood of data brokers. They collect and sell it on a massive scale, and when your data is harvested online and neatly parceled into their systems, we allow you to remove it with a click.
Up to $1 million Identity Theft Insurance *
If you are a victim of ID theft, we’ve got you covered. We will cover up to $1 million for theft recovery expenses. If the worst happens, that gives you peace of mind and a financial safety net.
Lost Wallet Assistance
We’ve got you covered, even if your wallet is lost or stolen. We’ll provide quick, reliable help navigating the world of data defense and structure the best recovery options for your situation. Our experts walk you through the process step-by-step.
Identity Restoration
If you experience identity theft, our expert fraud resolution team will deliver personalized support; we’ll investigate the situation, recover what we can, and restore your identity to its rightful status.
* The Identity Theft Insurance is underwritten and administered by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, an Assurant company.
Please refer to the actual policies for terms, conditions, and exclusions of coverage. Coverage may not be available in all jurisdictions. Review the Summary of Benefits.
Frequently Asked Questions
About Lost ID
- Scan by:
- Driver's License
- Passport