What Does PeopleFinder Do?
PeopleFinder is a public records search engine powered by Intelius; functionally, anyone can submit basic details (on either website) and obtain access to their target's public information. The resulting data comes from Intelius, even when the search is conducted on PeopleFinder. In many ways, PeopleFinder is a redirection portal straight to Intelius' search results. These reports may contain details regarding a consumer's employment, historical names, criminal records, and liens. Unfortunately, the data is sometimes incorrectly attached to consumers, a byproduct of using public-access information. There are two ways to fix these inaccuracies; those with an Intelius account can access and change the details accordingly. For those remaining, opt outs are in order.
What to Know Before You Remove Information from PeopleFinder
There are no personal requirements for a PeopleFinder opt out, but there are details worth knowing before starting the process. For example, because Intelius oversees all PeopleFinder's services, this guide uses the Intelius privacy policy; rest assured, opting out of Intelius will remove records from PeopleFinder, and other minor affiliates where appropriate.
Intelius has two options to "remove" a record from their (and PeopleFinder's) results. The first is removing the record and its associated data entirely, called a deletion. The other is the suppression of the record and its data from search results. On the one hand, deletion immediately dissolves the record from access (though not for authorities); while on the other, suppression stops associated data from appearing in results. If the distinction remains unclear, the deletion takes out a record, which makes an open space for other records with the same information to appear. Suppression stops a record from appearing and stops similar data from being used to generate a new report.
Most data brokers offer either deletion or suppression of the reports made by them; Intelius offers both. The guide below offers solutions related only to suppression opt outs, per Intelius' 12-month record lifespan. If the consumer requests a deletion, they would need to return to check the status of their data every six months. In comparison, the consumer could request a suppression annually and be ensured new reports aren't surfacing during that time.
Options to Remove Records from PeopleFinder Searches
Consumers have three ways to request an opt out from Intelius. Those removing multiple records or reports that involve minors should call for live assistance. Otherwise, cautious consumers can email the privacy team using alternative accounts. However, the most efficient solution is to use the online Suppression Center, powered by PeopleConnect; a professional broker resource that handles data privacy requests for Intelius and other applicable entities. The guides below offer solutions for making a request using any of the four methods, though only one is needed.
How to Opt-Out of PeopleFinder: Suppression Tutorials
Customer Support is Live Monday through Friday
Consumers needing representative assistance should call the Intelius support line. Available Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 4:00 pm PST, reach a live queue via 1-(888)-245-1655. Calling outside the specified hours results in a rolled phone, requesting a message, or trying again later.
When you call, tell the agent you want to "remove my name from PeopleFinder and Intelius". Tell them to suppress your consumer information from public searches and third-party affiliates. Always use the term "suppression" when discussing the opt out; the agent may understand the phrase "opt out" differently depending on their training and familiarity with data management. Some agents may understand "opt out" as referring to unsubscribing from emails or deleting the record; by using "suppression" in conjunction with "opting out", the agent is made fully aware of your needs and desired outcome.
Email Data Privacy Requests to the Intelius Team
Those wanting to create a referenceable correspondence can email the privacy team. Since emails require an agent's assistance, the request email must contain everything the attendant will need to complete the process. Although the necessary details change depending on the website privacy policy, all consumer data requests have similar requirements; (1) the email must prove beyond doubt that the sender is the owner of the record or an authorized agent of the owner; and (2) the request must display knowledge of "the opt out request influence".
The former aspect has additional considerations. Identity verification for email requests consists of listing personal details which another person is unlikely to know. At the same time, it is usually best to avoid disclosing all the information about oneself. The ideal is to provide enough details to prove your identity without giving new information. To functionally enforce this point, send the request email from an alternative, it'll give Intelius a decoy contact.
Ultimately, meeting both criteria is simple. Use the text below to format a request or copy and paste the words into an email creator. Consumers should remove the yellow highlights in favor of actual information.
Send to Email:
Subject: Do Not Sell My Information RequestMail Body:
My name is [Full name]. I request that my information and data associated with my record not be sold or shared with third parties. Please suppress my records from appearing in your internal and affiliate search results. I understand that opting out my information from Intelius does not opt it out from other data brokers; and to opt out of their "services", I must make individual requests to them. Please have an agent complete my request and send verification of completion.
Consumer Information:
- Full Name: [First, last, aliases, and misspellings, include all for maximum impact]
- Email Addresses: [Include the address used to send this, along with historical ones]
- Phone Numbers: [Registered and associated phone numbers are necessary to add]
- Mailing Addresses: [Residential or business, include the city, state, and zip code]
- Date of Birth: [Though this may seem too personal, the form requires it too]
Thank you,
[Full Name]
Use the PeopleConnect Suppression Manager
Most consumers will find the most efficient opt out solution using the PeopleConnect data manager. Like how Intelius oversees PeopleFinder's consumer records, PeopleConnect assists in Intelius' compliance with data privacy law. There is a consumer benefit to large data broker conglomerates like these, opting out with one impacts the others wherever possible. To start this process, open the Suppression Manager in a new tab.
Step One
Enter an email into the provided space when the page loads. An additional authorization step may occur later if an alternative or new email is entered. To avoid this, use a historical or "known" email address. Select the "Terms" check box and click the teal "Continue" button.
Step Two
Immediately refer to the Inbox of the submitted email. A verification email from no- should be available. Access it, and click the teal "Verify Email" button in the center of the message. This button is only live for a few minutes, so complete this step quickly. It will open a new page in the most recently used browser window.
Step Three
Submit your birthday in the form provided. Click the calendar icon to bring up an easy-enter option. Check the box confirming "correctness", then click the teal "Continue" button again.
Step Four
On the next page, submit entries for a first and last name, don't disclose the middle if possible. Check the "This is my legal name" box and then the teal "Continue" button.
Step Five
The page will refresh and display a list of options, all possible records for the searched data. Locate the one most closely associated with the target details and click the small circle on the left. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Continue".
Step Six
Once the button is clicked, the following page will display one of two options. Those who used an old email will be "Verified" (as below); whereas those using alternative emails must fetch a secondary verification link from an Inbox. Whichever the case, get to the "Verified" confirmation screen, then "Continue" from there.
Step Seven
The next page is where data management happens. Notice that the identity is currently set to displayed. Select the drop-down bar to show the possible "Desired Behaviors" available for the record. In the drop-down options, select "Suppressed", then click the teal "Save" button.
If the page doesn't refresh automatically after clicking "Save", refresh the page manually. When the change is successful, the screen will show the identity setting as suppressed, and the "Desired Behavior" will read the same. There's nothing else to it, the PeopleFinder opt out, powered by Intelius, serviced by PeopleConnect.
Confirm the Request is Successful by Searching Again
It's always wise to confirm the request was honored. To verify the agents properly enacted the request, complete a search on PeopleFinder or Intelius. If successful, no records will appear in the results. However, if you see a record, consider clearing your browser cache and rerunning the search; then, contact the customer representatives for assistance. This guide is current with the processes of opt out solutions provided by PeopleFinder's (and Intelius') privacy policy (2023).