USSearch Opt-Out

What is USSearch?

USSearch is a people search website owned by Intelius; operating with the same database access and policies, USSearch is a re-branded, down-sized version of its master entity. Any curious consumer can submit a name and find hundreds of exciting profiles with personal information. The details in these consumer reports are aggregated from many sources, including government databases and clerk offices throughout the US. As with all other people search websites, USSearch (and Intelius) also utilize various public-access resources; consumer voter registration paperwork, criminal records, property taxes, and more are available for aggregation.

What is USSearch?
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The wide variety of available information about consumers should put many on edge. These reports' information may fuel malicious actors for destructive behaviors or cause turmoil in personal lives. Consumers must consider their data privacy defenses in today's advancing world, no matter how it's cut. The best place to start is with the data brokers; the guides below display everything you need to opt out of Intelius and USSearch.

I Want to Remove My Name from USSearch!

Removing information from USSearch is easy, free, and does not require account creation. The cost for this accessibility is knowledge. For example, there is an endless possibility of errors and inaccuracies in consumer reports generated by public data brokers. A byproduct of using public-entered data, these errors make such websites unqualified to provide information regarding employment and other screenings.

I Want to Remove My Name from USSearch!

Another eventuality consumers must consider is when to return. Data brokers have rights to the information they access, even when it involves a private consumer; they can continuously access consumer details, but individuals can place roadblocks that conceal the data for a limited time. Also called a record life span, this 12-month period encompasses everything regarding the report; after a year, the record is automatically removed from public search circulation. Soon after, another record with new or updated information may appear. The cautious consumer must check annually to make new opt out requests as necessary.

How We're Opting-Out of USSearch

In the years past, consumers could submit their opt out via the USSearch online form ( However, this form is inactive, and any redirection toward it must be updated (2023). Intelius' relationship with USSearch has dramatically improved from how they previously approached data privacy requests. Rather than having one method, USSearch offers three options the consumer can choose; even better, depending on the chosen option, consumers may opt out of USSearch and Intelius simultaneously.

Consumers requiring live assistance should call the USSearch support line. Although it is a different service team from Intelius, they can assist in accessing the online tool. Meanwhile, consumers wanting an electronic paper trail can email their requests. Send the request to both companies to hit two birds with one stone. For most consumers, however, using the PeopleConnect Suppression Manager is the best option. PeopleConnect is a privacy compliance company that assists data brokers in staying on the right side of newly forming data privacy laws. Opt out with PeopleConnect to remove yourself from Intelius, USSearch, and other data brokers.

The Complete Guide to Remove Information from USSearch

Call the Representative Phone Line for Live Assistance

Consumers with unique circumstances should contact the USSearch helpline for support. Request cases where the record involves the information of a minor; where there are multiple records you want to be opted out of; or where there are court-ordered expungements that require representative assistance typically.

Call 1-(888)-712-0108 to reach the USSearch live queue. Representatives have PST business hours, 7:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. After calling, automated messages will play, giving the caller various information. Outlast the messages, and callers, accompanied by wait music, shift into the live wait queue.

Email Your Opt-Out Request to the Privacy Teams

Consumers who'd rather avoid live representatives can contact them over email instead. USSearch and Intelius can be emailed simultaneously or apart since they require the same information. However, if the agents cannot verify who you are, they will likely reject the request. (To be clear, they may also reject an opt out request for other reasons.) Consumers can avoid email rejections by providing enough information that the agent must authorize the request.

The text below demonstrates an email consumers can send to both websites simultaneously. Select, copy, and paste the text into an email creator for a quick alternative to writing an original. Finally, exchange the highlighted information for actual details, share enough to confirm identity or agent authorization.

Access PeopleConnect's Suppression Manager Online

Most consumers will find their opt out solution via the PeopleConnect Suppression Center. If using an alternative email address, the process may be slightly longer; the system wants to double-check the email is accessible, so a secondary verification step is added. To start your opt out, open the Suppression Center Login page.

Step One

When the page loads, enter an accessible email address into the provided space. The system will send an email to it shortly. Check the "Terms of Use" box and the teal "Continue" button to move forward.

Step One

Step Two

That email mentioned above should already be in the associated Inbox. Access it and click the teal "Verify Email" button in the center of the message. This will prompt the system to open a new tab in the most recently used browser window.

Step Two

Step Three

The newest window will display a "Date of Birth" page. Submit the date by clicking the calendar icon on the right, then select the day via the pop-up menu. Check the box on the left, verify the date is correct, and click the "Continue" button.

Step Three

Step Four

The following page provides space for first, middle, and last names. Submit as many as associated with you, separated by commas. When finished, check the "This is me" box on the left, then click the teal "Continue" button on the right.

Step Four

Step Five

The next page displays all possible records related to the submitted information. The example search resulted in only one record, but it's possible to have hundreds. Locate the record most closely associated with actual information; likely, the record will have errors, these do not impact the opt out and can be ignored, generally. When found, click the white circle on the left to select it, then click the "Continue" button.

Step Five

Step Six

The following page will show one of two messages. If the system recognizes the user as valid, with a "known" email, the page should read "Verified", as below. On the other hand, this message may be usurped for a secondary email step. Return to the email Inbox and click on the recently received message to fulfill this secondary authorization. When the screen window reaches the "Verified" state, click the "Continue" button.

Step Six

Step Seven

After the system verifies the consumer's identity, they are taken to the "Control" page regarding their data. Notice the bold "displayed" written into the text box. To change this, click the drop-down bar, then the "suppressed" status. Follow this up with a "Save" to see the outcome.

Step Seven

When the changes are successfully applied, the previously bold "displayed" will change to a bold "suppressed" status. The "Desired Behavior" section will also default the selection to "Suppressed". The page will usually refresh itself, but some consumers may have to refresh to see the changes manually.


Return After Your USSearch Opt-Out

Obtaining an opt out confirmation doesn't guarantee all information is removed from the internet, but it's a starting point. Although it can take up to a week to see results, the impact takes even longer for giant search engines. If the record is found via a search engine, allow two weeks to pass before contacting the engine's privacy team. After two weeks, search through the engine, then rerun the search on USSearch and Intelius. When fully effective, no records should be associated with the submitted information. This guide is current with the processes of opt out solutions provided by USSearch's and Intelius' privacy policy (2023).

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