Globant Systems Breached
- By Steven
- Published: Apr 05, 2022
- Last Updated: Apr 05, 2022
A representative from Globant has admitted an unauthorized party has accessed the company’s internal data system. All in all, about 70 gigabytes of the company’s data has been leaked onto the internet. Here’s a quick look at the details of the hack.
Who is Responsible for the Globant Hack?
The hacking collective referred to as “Lapsus$” is claiming responsibility for the digital attack against Globant. The hacking collective obtained unauthorized access to Globant’s code repository. The hack is a bit surprising as it comes on the heels of police in the United Kingdom cracking down on digital attacks. The police shocked many in the cyber security community with the arrest of Lapsus$ hackers.
Nearly half a dozen of the hacking group’s members were taken into custody. However, Lapsus$ members quickly took to the web to state that they had returned from what they referred to as a “vacation” to post Globant’s sensitive data to the internet. The Globant information was leaked to the hacking collective’s Telegram channel.
What Information was Stolen?
Though Globant representatives have not gone into detail about the type of information stolen from its systems and leaked onto the web, the software development specialist has admitted the hack was quite extensive. Initial reports indicate the company’s administrator credentials for DevOps platforms were leaked onto the web. Administrator credentials are especially valuable and sensitive in the context of digital security as they unlock entryways into the platforms used for development operations.
The company’s GitHub, Crucible, Confluence, and Jira credentials were leaked as a result of the hack. The company also admitted the hackers obtained access to the code repository with important source code tied to its most valued clients. However, Globant’s public relations team insists only a “limited section” of the code repository was accessed.
What is Globant’s Response to the Hack?
Globant has activated its internal security protocols in response to the digital attack. The company is now performing an exhaustive investigation into the hack. Globant representatives also put out a statement indicating that the information obtained in the hack was primarily limited to specific source code and documentation pertaining to a handful of projects for only a couple of clients. The statement also indicated the company had not identified evidence that shows other components of the infrastructure systems or the systems of clients were affected.
Globant’s digital security team is now implementing measures to prevent additional data security incidents. However, the company did not respond to an information request submitted by the Information Security Media Group.
Is the Threat Still Present?
Lapsus$ hackers posted more than 718 KB of data to its Telegram channel last week. The data leak included client source code. The Globant source code might not be compromised, yet it appears as though the software’s source code for customers has been breached. The threat is especially problematic when the size of Globant customers is considered.
Globant clients range from Royal Caribbean to Electronic Arts, Santander Bank, and the Argentina Health Ministry. However, none of these companies has indicated their data has been compromised in the Lapsus$ hack.
The Globant hack is still a developing story. Stay tuned for additional details about the extent and depth of the hack that will likely be revealed in the days ahead.