What is a Data Breach?

A data breach is a cybersecurity event, also called a "data leak", "unauthorized exposure", or "cyberattack". Since 2005, data breaches have been the subject of headlines, with impact numbers ranging from a few hundred record exposures to billions.
Data breach attack vectors can include a single element or entire repertoires of cyber assaults, malicious actors can use malware, phishing, or brute force attacks to get what they want; otherwise, they might use social engineering or take advantage of system side-door and zero-day vulnerabilities.
Further, some data breaches appear by mistakes in the workplace. Situations like sending emails with payroll files, announcing one’s password, or being in a compromising environment (like accessing an organization’s software inside a public cafe) can all contribute to the accidental disclosure of data.
Regardless of how a data breach happens, whether by design or accident, the impacts of a breach are clear. The personal information of millions of people can be harvested in no time at all, complete with everything from Social Security Numbers to contact details and account credentials. Even worse, with limited compliance regulations from authorities, any organization could have a breach and not be required to notify the owners of the stolen data. That’s why we say there are two types of companies these days: ones that have been breached and made public knowledge and those that have had breaches we don’t know about.
How Do IDStrong's Data
Breach Alerts Work?

Widely available technology has made data breaches more common, with millions suffering the impacts. Victims may experience identity theft, financial fraud, account takeovers, and job or housing loss; others might have their medical entitlements stolen from them, or they could be framed and imprisoned for the deeds of another. Regardless of how the criminals may misuse the stolen data, from selling it on the dark web to wire fraud and everything in between, victims of a data breach do all they can to protect their data once exposed, accessed, stolen, or copied by a cyber criminal.
IDStrong's data breach alert service is essential to our identity theft monitoring. It detects any indicators of compromised personal information related to your identity by closely monitoring numerous data sources, including the dark web, public records, and other relevant databases. Our data breach warning system gives fast and proactive notifications, allowing you to take control of your personal information and protect yourself against all cyber threats, from identity schemes to data breaches.
What are the Dangers
of a Data Breach?

When the Internet began, there was a widely accepted belief that cyber criminals only targeted big-budget institutions; however, this is no longer true. These days, hackers and malicious actors target all organizations, from government offices and healthcare provider networks to global corporations, national chain stores, and especially small businesses, which have grown a reputation for lacking cybersecurity protections. The risks of these breaches are also ever-growing, as companies that share data (i.e., partners, affiliates, vendors) may have your information, and you wouldn’t ever know until a breach exposes it. For the consumer, all this means one thing: cybercriminals could attack any company and steal your data.
Older Americans, children, and vulnerable populations are most at risk of identity theft and fraud after a data breach. Their information carries various elements that a threat actor could misuse, including medical entitlements or long-term account information, a vital resource for future crimes like financial fraud. These demographics are also heavily targeted by criminals because they are less likely to be noticed when committing suspicious activities; by extension, once a criminal has one person’s information, everyone around them could also be at risk.
The most significant single organization data breach in history came from Yahoo in 2016; threat actors succeeded in stealing the account information of 3 billion users, some of whom are still being victimized today. Meanwhile, Microsoft holds the record for the biggest conglomerate data breach, impacting over 60,000 organizations worldwide following a zero-day system vulnerability; this attack impacted small businesses, local and federal government agencies, and one of the most considerable email servers in the world. Both events created lasting consequences, for those who had exposed accounts and those whose data was swept up and saved by coincidence (or contract). Moreover, any data breach could impact you regardless of who the threat actors target. You could feel the consequences weeks from now, years, or even decades later; that’s why you must protect yourself.
How Can Data Breach
Alerts Help Me?

Hackers have become skilled at stitching together the exploits from multiple data breaches to assemble complete identity profiles on individuals. For example, if one data breach exposed your name, email address, and phone number, a cybercriminal could connect that with information found in another data breach that exposed your date of birth, credit card number, and mother’s maiden name.
Now, the hacker has enough information to take over your credit card account or impersonate you to open new accounts or access other data. If a hacker finds your email address or username online, they only need your password to break into accounts and wreak havoc. Often, if the password is weak, they can break it.
Your best and first defense is to keep a close eye on all your personal information. However, since you probably have dozens of accounts spread across the Internet, it’s not feasible for you to check each one daily. Instead, you can use our identity monitoring service, which includes regular data breach notifications, to let you know whenever information from a data breach shows up online or is publicly accessible. Additionally, we will alert you when your information is exposed online, either on the dark web or in other locations where it should not be; this allows you to take quick action to fix the problem and help you avoid identity theft, fraud, and all the other consequences of a data breach.
How IDStrong Works
1. Monitor
We continuously monitor your personal and financial information, scouring the dark web for potential threats, active data breaches, and network element leaks.
2. Alert
If we locate your information somewhere in the dark recesses of the Internet, we will instantly notify you, alerting you to any information leaked, exposed, or breached.
3. Resolve
We won’t just alert you of the dangers; we’ll help you resolve them. Our identity protection experts are available 24/7 to help you take the necessary actions to restore your identity and get back to normalcy.
Our Benefits
Identity Monitoring
Our business is monitoring billions of records on the dark web. If we find anything about your information, we alert you to the risks and offer recovery strategies.
Credit Monitoring
One of the essential elements of your identity is that we monitor your credit profile for suspicious inquiries, new loans, or credit-related changes. That means no surprises when it’s time to put a down payment on your dream home or car.
Privacy Monitoring
Personal information is the lifeblood of data brokers. They collect and sell it on a massive scale, and when your data is harvested online and neatly parceled into their systems, we allow you to remove it with a click.
Up to $1 million Identity Theft Insurance *
If you fall victim to ID theft, we will provide you with up to $1 million in coverage with a no deductible for identity theft recovery expenses
Lost Wallet Assistance
We’ve got you covered, even if your wallet is lost or stolen. We’ll provide quick, reliable help navigating the world of data defense and structure the best recovery options for your situation. Our experts walk you through the process step-by-step.
Identity Restoration
If you experience identity theft, our expert fraud resolution team will deliver personalized support; we’ll investigate the situation, recover what we can, and restore your identity to its rightful status.
* The Identity Theft Insurance is underwritten and administered by American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, an Assurant company.
Please refer to the actual policies for terms, conditions, and exclusions of coverage. Coverage may not be available in all jurisdictions. Review the Summary of Benefits.
Frequently Asked Questions
About Data Breaches
What is a Data Breach?
A data breach is when some unauthorized individual or group accesses secure data from a company or network and steals, encrypts, or copies personal information for the use of fraud. A data breach usually involves personally identifiable information (PII) like your name, driver’s license number, social security number, medical or financial records, and more.
How Do Data Breaches Happen?
Data breaches happen due to cyber-attacks. These attacks could be due to employee error, a malicious insider, or an external hacker who breaches a company’s security. Unfortunately, most companies do not invest in the proper security measures to the degree necessary, and these vulnerabilities lead to hacks and exposed data. Hackers often look for login credentials (usernames/passwords) to get into other services and accounts.
How Common are Breaches?
Data breaches are extremely common. Rarely a week goes by without another data breach reported on the news. Annually more than 1,000 data breaches occur exposing millions of users’ data. Unauthorized access to hard drives and network servers is a daily occurrence and most of the time users are unaware their information was stolen.
What Personal Information is Typically Stolen in a Data Breach?
Typically, hackers look for items they can use to break into other accounts or use identity theft for other types of fraud. Some of the most critical pieces of information you need to protect include:
- Bank account information
- Other financial information
- Income tax number
- Credit card numbers
- Payment cards
- Passport number
- Driver’s license number and other IDs
- Social security number
- Medical insurance ID
- Names
- Usernames
- Passwords
- Email addresses
- Phone numbers
- Date of birth
- Home address
- Social media profiles
- Other confidential information
- Mother’s maiden name
If My Information Was Stolen in a Data Breach, Will I Be the Victim of Identity Theft?
Not necessarily, but your chances of identity fraud and scams due to social engineering increase quite a bit after a data breach. Sign up for identity theft protection right away to keep yourself and your data safe. It’s much easier to prevent identity theft than clean up the mess afterward. The average cost to Americans of a single data breach is $3.83 million.
Can I Check for Free if My Data was Exposed in a Data Breach?
Yes. Use IDStrong’s free scan to see if your data is exposed in any of the major data breaches that have occurred. Then take steps to secure your personal information. If you want to tighten your data protection, you can sign up with IDStrong for our identity theft protection and data breach alerts. You cannot put a price on data security.
How to Prevent Data Breaches
You cannot prevent a data breach, but you can protect yourself from the fallout. Some tips to keep your data safe and secure are:
- Sign up for two-factor authentication whenever it is offered.
- Learn about cybercrime and how it can affect you.
- Always use very strong, long passwords made of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols.
- Regularly monitor your accounts for unusual or suspicious activity.
- Keep antivirus software on all your devices.
- Never share personal information online unless necessary.
- Use identity theft and credit monitoring to keep a close eye on your personal information and financial accounts.