Mathway Breach - 2019

Date: January, 2019

Mathway is an online calculator used for students to better explain the processes used to reach the results of math problems. The site makes it easier for students to answer their math equations and offers explanations for how the answer was attained, simplifying the learning process.

What Was the Breach?

The breach was a hack by a group known as ShinyHunters. Some of ShinyHunters’ most notable breaches include Microsoft, Wattpad, PlutoTV, and Bonobos. The group uses a Twitter account, though it rarely uses it and has only made one post on its own; all others were responses to tweets in which other Twitter users tagged them.

How Did the Breach Occur?

The breach occurred when ShinyHunters decided to target the math services. The hack affected millions, all of whom had their personally identifying information (PII) sold on the dark web. The data was sold for surprisingly little, considering the amount of PII involved.

When Did This Breach Occur?

This breach occurred in 2019.

Who Does the Breach Impact?

The breach impacts a large number of the site’s users, many of these being minors. The affected individuals hail from all over the world. Almost a year after the breach occurred, the stolen data was posted on a hacking forum, presumably by ShinyHunters, for the equivalent of $4,000 in Monero or Bitcoin.

How Many Files Does the Breach Affect?

The breach affected approximately 25 million site users. The company has over nine million monthly users in more than 100 countries.

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